Tyler Perry a laisser un message a ses fans sujet de la défense de Janet lors de leur récente interview télévisée en direct sur Good Day Sacramento.
And speaking of venom, what they did to Janet was unacceptable. Janet, who was under no obligation at all to promote this movie, sat with me while I was doing a round of TV interviews. Half way through the three hours of sitting in the same spot she was attacked by a reporter on a Sacramento morning show who only wanted to talk about the Super Bowl incident. Now, I made it perfectly clear before we went live on the air that I wasn't talking about the Super Bowl or Janet's family. We had less than 5 minuets so I wanted to keep it positive and focus on the movie. But he didn't want to keep it positive. I had to maintain my composure because we were live on the air. I didn't let her speak. I kept jumping in because it was just so unfair to her. I have not seen Justin Timberlake attacked like that. I wasn't going to let them do that to her. Believe me when I tell you--Janet worked so hard on this film. She deserved more respect from this man than that! We both did.Tyler dit " Que ce qu'il ont fait a Janet est Innaceptable, Janet n'avais aucune obligation a promouvoir le film.
À mi-parcours de la séance de trois heures au même endroit, elle a été attaquée par un journaliste de Sacramento qui voulait parler de l'incident survenu au Super Bowl.
Pourtant il avais été clair,il ne voulais pas parler du SuperBowl, de Janet ou de ca famille.
Nous n'avionz que 5 minute pour parler du film et il fallais rester positif.
J'ai dû maintenir mon calme parce que nous étions en direct sur les ondes.
Je n'ai pas laisser parler Janet,car j'ai trouver ca injuste.
Justin Timberlake n'a pas été attaquer comme ca.
Croyez-moi lorsque je vous dis que Janet a travaillé si dur sur ce film. Elle mérite plus de respect de cet homme!."